Stephanie Linus At The Dialoghi in Spoleto And Carla Fendi Foundation
May 16, 2019

PHOTOS: Stephanie Linus Attends The ‘Dialoghi in Spoleto’ & Carla Fendi Foundation event In Italy
TBT: Nollywood Superstar, Filmmaker & Entrepreneur Stephanie Linus recently attended the second edition of the “Dialoghi a Spoleto” and Carla Fendi Foundation event in Italy. The event is part of the official events of the Festival dei Due Mondi di Spoleto 2018.
The five-day event which was marked by six meetings of great female figures of the international scene ended yesterday, Sunday 8 July.

From Africa, to Afghanistan to Italy, the delegates discussed several world issues such as: slave trade, the struggle for equal rights, culture as a vehicle for emancipation, women’s health, agriculture and globalization in relation to the female world, social commitment, cinema, music, art.
While speaking at the event, Ms. Linus called for more attention to the plight of victims of human trafficking as well as education and empowerment of people who are at risk of being trafficked. “In ending slavery, we must be conscious about empowering and educating people, because otherwise, we’re going to have to deal with it for years to come.”

Dialoghi in Spoleto, a yearly event which is held in Italy, is lauded worldwide as an open place for mutual exchange. This year’s event was hosted by the renowned Italian writer Paola Severini and was attended by women from all over the world including including: Sister Gabriella Bottani, world coordinator of the fight against trafficking in persons; Luigi Manconi UNAR coordinator – National Office; Marcelle Padovani, expert in organized crime and correspondent of Le Nouvel Observateur; Marina Pendes, Minister of Defense of Bosnia-Herzegovina;
Nessrin Abdalla, Kurdish commander of the People’s Popular Protection Unit; Alka Sadat Afghana film producer; Irene Bignardi film critic; Anna Querci president Anna Querci Design Foundation; Nicoletta Mantovani Pavarotti music and theater producer; Anna Grassellino researcher at the helm of the Fermilab in Chicago; Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo President IEO-CCM (European Institute of Oncology-Center Cardiologico Monzino); Daniela Trabattoni Head of Women’s Heart Center; Olga Urbani, entrepreneur in the food sector; Shoshan Haran, founder and general manager of Fair Planet; Clelia Piperno, CEO Project Talmud and Luigi Scordamaglia, President of Federalimentare.
In January 2018, Ms. Linus made her first visit to Italy to advocate against human trafficking. In partnership with international medical humanitarian organization – Doctors Without Borders (MSF), the actress visited the rescue ship Aquarius where she met with some victims of human trafficking, among other activities.
She continues to advocate against the scourge of forced labor and human trafficking. “Ultimately, I hope this leads us in the path to justice on behalf of the millions of human trafficking victims who have been trapped in some form of slavery, bonded labor, or forced prostitution; and a sharp decline of these staggering figures,” she said.