Botswana High Court Decriminalises Same-Sex Relationships

Breaking News: Africa LGBTQ Rights Upadte
Today is a historic day for the LGBT community in Botswana. The law that disapproves of gay people has decriminalized.
Botswana’s High Court has overturned a colonial-era law criminalizing consensual same-sex relations in a landmark victory for Africa’s LGBT Rights.
UB (University of Botswana) student Letsweletse Motshidiemang, who dreams of one day being a teacher has been very vocal about this issue and finally decided to take his case to the high court.
Last year, Letsweletse made is very clear that he has been gay since age 10, and is now in a relationship with a man and that wasn’t going change, he added that his mates and friends at UB all support him, and that makes him very free
Being gay in some places in Africa is frown upon.
As a result, majority of homosexuals or LGBT in most African society hide who they are from their families and friends for fear of either rejected.
Others simply don’t want to victims of any brutal attacks for coming out with their identity. Some of the Africa countries being in the same-sex relationship can end you up in prison or killed.
The fact that Botswana has changed its law for Africa’s LGBT community will be a massive relief for others.
The questions are will the other countries with harsh punishment for gays change their rules as well? In order words, will they also decriminalized gay marriage?
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