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Do you tell a girlfriend when her husband is cheating on her

Do you tell a girlfriend when her husband is cheating on her

Do you tell a girlfriend when her husband is cheating on her and why?

What would you do if your BFF’s husband is responsible for one of your friend’s pregnancy?

It is difficult enough to tell a friend when you see her husband/boyfriend/partner walking hand-in-hand with another women, therefore breaking such heartbreaking news to anyone would not be easy. But is it right or wrong to let your best friend know that her husband has been sleeping around?

Is it right or wrong to tell your BFF her husband is responsible for one of your friend’s pregnancy?


Why Do People Cheat: What Are Men And Women looking For…


  • Men want interaction, Playmates, Sexual Fulfilment
  • Hanging out with the buddies. Know about his sports etc. 
  • Men want closure (No Loose Ends, Attractive Partners, Domestic Support (Peace & Quiet)


As a rule, while men enjoy some conversation, they also want closure. A topic that achieves no resolution is frustrating.

Men are interested in a woman’s feelings, but we are also interested in other things. If your feelings become the central focus of every conversation, do they lack closure, we are now you’re throwing out “fun” interaction and thoughts start to drift toward hanging out with the guys.

The closure issue works well when a lady asks a question that leads to an answer, and it is even better when that answer results in action that solves a problem.

Together you share the “feeling of a job well done”, the team won. This is the guy version of a happy ending. What Men Really Love About Women’s Bodies? Confidence! 

Read Also: Relationship Goals 

  • Men want confirmation (Admiration)


No one wants to be unnecessary, so it follows that it feels good to be needed. Uniqueness. Don’t be too subtle, they aren’t that bright!

One of the reasons “games” are so destructive to relationships is they generally send mixed signals, making it difficult to get confirmation.

Perhaps you’ve been told it’s best to keep the man guessing. Perhaps, but the men I know would rather spend time with someone who definitely appreciates them. 

  • Women want to be safe physically and emotionally, (Honesty and Openness, Conversation, Adoration)


You can offer to pick her up, but back off quickly if she still prefers two cars. A woman feels safer physically and emotionally in her own car. Don’t go overboard with expense.

May wonder exactly what you expect for your investment. Emotional security also means: Women want to move slowly to build trust, it takes a while.

Men and women have different time frames for developing serious relationships. She doesn’t want to hear that you are her soul mate or true love so soon that she has to wonder what you are really seeking.

See Also

Women also feel that a man who will fall in love with her so quickly might fall out of love just as quickly. Women don’t want to be trapped, that means short date, advance notice (3-7 days is respectful). Calling her 2 minutes before is not kosher… 

  • Women are more interested in the present, cooperating, not competing (Conversation, Tower of Strength, financial and family support)


Past and future glories are not as interesting to women as the here and now. She doesn’t care if you used to be the be the Shah of Bahrain, what matters is NOW.

  • Conversational Blunders include:


Past relationships or excessive questions about each others past loves.

Talk about your work and career, children or their children or your pets, about your problems with IRS or your boss or your sister, on about you, interrupting each other, or never asking questions about each other.

“Sorry I’ve been talking about myself all night, why don’t you take a turn, so tell me what do you think of me?”

Source: Tonighter



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