Easter: Why Is Easter Celebrated

Easter Sunday or Resurrection Sunday, falls on the Sunday after Good Friday when Jesus Christ’s crucifixion.
In Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, describes how Christ Rose on the 3rd day, Mary Magdalene and Mary went to his tomb where he was buried early in the morning and realised the tomb was empty.
Jesus showed himself to the women and the rest of the disciples that indeed he’s risen. It sounded strange but, good for the disciples because usually when people die they don’t resurrect.
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Christians and church denominations find the celebration a sacred and joyous one because dead could not take dominion and even in the grave Jesus is lord.
Churches across the world sing hymns and praises and rejoice on Easter Sunday wearing white to symbolise victory.
Christians believe that, Easter makes them reflect on God’s love as perfect and unconditional.
Easter shows Christians that, believers in the lord will still enjoy eternity even when the mortal bodies die because, through Christ Jesus, God has revealed to Christians that, death has no dominion over us and must not be afraid of death.
It reminds Christians that, love conquers everything and it sacrifices. Hence, Christians should love as Christ did for us on the cross and trust in God in all things.