Given back to the community: Mama Sarah Obama Foundation…

TBT ~ Dr. Sarah Onyango Obama, a 94 years old woman is the sole living grand-parent of President Barack Obama. She is the third wife of Obama’s paternal grandfather, she was born in 1922 and affectionately known as Mama Sarah Obama.She resides in Nyang’oma Kogelo village in Kenya. She has created a lasting legacy in Kenya, she launched the Mama Sarah Obama Foundation (MSOF) in Kenya after a lifetime of feeding and sheltering orphaned children and impoverished families. She’s now expanding her mission to educate women and children, particularly girls through her Legacy plan.
Her plan features a school campus and hospital project for her community in Kogelo, Kenya, as well as an early childhood development center, a primary and secondary school, a vocational training school, all on one campus. She’s a strong believer of the Islamic faith. In November,2013 she recieved an award from the United Nations on Women’s Entrepreneurship Day for her decades of work to aid poor kenyans in Kogelo villgae, Kenya.
Mama #Sarah Obama SOWO Half Marathon was on 24th October 2015 at Siaya County Stadium.
What an amazing woman! Keep up the good work Mama Sarah Obama!
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Credit: Straight Talk Africa