Obama Immigration Policy Halted by Federal Judge…

A federal judge has ordered a halt to President Obama’s amnesty orders Thousands of undocumented immigrants are set to begin applying Wednesday for President Obama’s program to allow them to stay and work legally in the USA. This first phase of Obama’s plan to protect up to 4 million undocumented immigrants from deportation is mired in uncertainty as congressional Republicans try to derail the program through legislation and state leaders try to block it in federal court.
The first of those programs was scheduled to start receiving applications on Wednesday. The immediate impact of the ruling is that up to 270,000 undocumented immigrants nationwide who came to the United States as children will not be able to apply for deportation protection under an expansion of an existing executive program. A larger new program is scheduled to begin in May….
On Nov. 20, last year, President Obama created a new program for undocumented immigrants called Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA). It grants protected immigration status and work permits to the parents of a US citizen or lawful permanent resident. Estimates are that DAPA could benefit as many as 3.7 million individuals who are currently in the US without legal authorization.
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