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Reggie N Bollie Make It Through To Tomorrow’s Final

Reggie N Bollie Make It Through To Tomorrow’s Final

X Factor 2015 final: Huge Congrats!!!! @ReggieNBollie They through to tomorrow’s final. Reggie N BollieLet’s continue to show ‪Reggie N Bollie‬ Our Support!!!
Tomorrow night  is decision time! Will Louisa Johnson orReggie N Bollie be crowned as the The X Factor 2015 winner?
Your Vote  Counts…..+ download http://bit.ly/1O0mMiK The Xfactor App on ITunes or Google Play to vote FREE 5x for Reggie N Bollie! ‪#‎Africancelebs‬ ‪#‎Ghanaians‬ ‪#‎Ghanaianduo‬ ‪#‎xfactoruk2015‬ ‪#‎xfactor‬ ‪#‎cheryl‬ ‪#‎xfactorliveshows‬…
ReggieNBollie africancelebs

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