Human Rights: Modern Day Racism, Slavery…

”Slavery is theft – theft of a life, theft of work, theft of any property or produce, theft even of the children a slave might have borne” ~ Kevin Bales
“Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
Slave Trade In Libya 2017: Migrant Slave Markets In Libya..
It is hard to believe that Slave Trade still in 2017! Migrant are being sold in a Slave Markets In Libya, North Africa. Many migrants from Cameroon, Senegal, Gambia, Zambia, Sudan, Ghana and Nigeria have been using using Libya as their gateway to Europe.
With the help of greedy human traffickers the migrants travel illegally through the desert all in an attempt to reach Italy, France, UK via Libya.
According to Nikki Laoye an ambassador for NCFRMI, most of the migrants are
”…thrown into jail for illegal entry or falling into the hands of wrong people and being sold into slavery/prostitution…
A total of 3,480 young Nigerians, mostly girls, were returned from Libya in the last 10 months, the National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons (NCRMI) has confirmed.
The NCRMI South-West Zonal Director, Mrs Magret Ukegbu confirms, that the returnees were received from Feb. 1 to Nov. 6.
Ukegbu said that the commission had been working with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and other relevant organisations in receiving the returnees. Nikki Laoye
Racism At Its Peak! 2017, yet Race Discrimination SEEMS TO BE AT ITS PEAK. Is a shame one can be discriminated against because they belong to a certain racial group…All we can say LORD HAVE MERCY!
We’re praying for their safe return back to their countries of origin.